Sininho - YouTube notifications

by FF Apps



Get notifications of new videos and track your channel information.

Receive notifications when your favorite channels post new videos.YouTube notifies a subset of subscribed users of a particular channel when it publishes a new videoTherefore, we guarantee that you will always be notified when your channels added here in the application make a new post.What does the Sininho application offer? - Add your favorite channels and receive notifications when they post new videos;- Control which channels you want to receive notification;- Receive notifications from your channels with the application closed or opened;- Learn how long your channels have posted new videos;- View a list of the latest videos from your added channels;- Tap on videos or live streams to watch directly on YouTube;- Share live video and streaming links with a simple finger touch;- Sort your channel list by selecting the desired sort option;- Learn the statistics of your added channels, such as subscribers, views and videos;- Log in to the app to save your cloud channels and sync with all your devices;- Access our Questions area in the application menu to learn how to use it in the best way.* This app is designed to help YouTube video creators and their subscribers.- Supported in newer versions of Android- Notifications with the title of the video- English language added- Thumbnail lighter on loading- FAQ on the Menu -> FAQ

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Não sei o que acontece meu canal tá como se eu tivesse postado a um ano atrás

Lilith BR


alexa Hernandez

Irmão, muito bom! Vi teu comentário no YouTube. Divulga o app pra gringa, vai ser sucesso! Parabéns!


Muito bom! Super recomendo, ele envia as notificações mais rápido que o YouTube, alguns segundos antes, oq já e mt bom já que as vezes o YouTube nem manda a notificação, sou quase sempre o primeiro kkk.


Muito lento



Juan Barajas. Moe Sargi. lmJay Statioh Barajas

The app works partially, there's a bug that says that some channels last content/video was 2 - 3 years ago when the channels still uploads new videos everyday. please fix this.

Cristian Omar Feliciano Valentin

please remove requirements for atleast 1000 subs for channel to be added. then i will change my review to 5 stars

Dan æ

Simples e eficiente! Para mim, só falta uma opção para organizar os canais em ordem alfabetica...

Americano Brasileiro

Best app, i need use very much and i need watch my channel favourite called Neagle

Eduardo Oliveira